Low Pressure Tanks & Vacuum Vessels

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  • Low Pressure Tanks & Vacuum Vessels

Creating high-quality low pressure tanks & vacuum vessels for a variety of industries & uses nation-wide. Our cylinder rolling/welding, spinning and laser cut parts are coordinated to mate for a tight fit-up. A targeted minimum weld gap enables our AWS certified welders to fit parts effectively and consistently producing well fit leak free vessels. This style of fabrication is used in large horsepower engine, factory vacuum conveying, filtration, muffler components, pressurized liquid application and other process flow systems.

Church Metal works with our Customers to suggest minor modifications to their assembly components to produce the most effective final assembly – either dye penetrant or low-pressure testing can be provided.

Examples of Parts


304 Stainless Steel – rolled/welded assembly with flange and spun bottom – 14” diameter x 36” tall



Carbon steel tank – rolled/welded tank with a machined plate, locator and flange – 15” diameter x 25” tall (penetrant leak tested)

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