
Metal spinning is the ideal process to produce venturi and other cylindrical concentric metal shapes used in engine intake and exhaust, air drying systems, commercial heating and ventilation systems. The industrial equipment and large engines require air flow to/from their various components, which these components help facilitate.

Metal spinning is effective in producing parts with estimated annual usage into the thousands or as few as one piece.  Our primary production is making thicker carbon steel and stainless steel venturi shapes up to ¼” thickness and up to 36” in diameter.  However, we also make light gage (down to 20ga)  steel and stainless steel air flow system parts.

We provide our Customer’s with custom made tooling and parts per their specifications; low volume requirements include different sized venturis, piping and vents.  This includes integrating venturi shaped metal spun parts into complete welded assemblies for large horsepower engine airflow components.


Examples of Parts


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